In order to best meet our client’s needs, we use the treatment technology that is most appropriate for each application. Technologies that we have used include: flat plate membrane bioreactors (MBRs), tubular MBRs, hollow fiber MBRs, and submerged fixed film. We typically use MBRs for our oil, mining, and tourism industry clients. For our other clients, we use submerged fixed film treatment technology.
Cold Climate Innovation
Anyone living and working in the Arctic/sub-Arctic knows how cold it can get. We design and manufacture systems that work in this harsh and fragile environment. Our above ground systems are designed for extreme conditions and will not freeze in arctic cold or crack in desert heat.
Our company was founded on innovation, and Lifewater strives to be at the forefront of the latest developments in cold weather engineering and leading standards in plastic welding.
We have a research and development relationship with the Cold Climate Housing Research Center located on the Univeristy of Alaska Fairbanks campus and have been working with them on developing low energy systems for sustainable villages and communities. Our company has a culture of innovation and our employees are always looking to improve designs to our systems.
Sustainable Solutions
State, Federal, and local environmental regulations often bring clients to our company as we recognizing the importance of a healthy environment. Lifewater’s Extreme STP wastewater treatment plans provide high effluent quality meeting all discharge requirements. Environmental sustainability is at the core of who we are.
Our mission statement, “Providing top quality wastewater treatment for a healthier world.”
Residential Effluent: Summer

Residential Effluent: Winter

Commercial Effluent